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Buyers Not Brokers


We think it’s important to stress that we are the principals for the deals we complete and not business brokers or corporate finance advisors.  

Because we are like you, we fully understand that a business can be the biggest asset that people own and as such selling your business can be a scary process.  It’s important to us that we treat each potential acquisition on a case by case basis we listen carefully to your wants and needs.  Only then do we make a plan to ensure that you are completely happy with the outcome.

​If you are aiming to retire then we understand that it may be very important to you for the good name and reputation of your business be kept – you will have worked long hours to build up your business!

All our offers are written in plain English and we will respond promptly.  For the right deals – where you have prepared well in advance – we can complete within weeks of the first contact.


Funding and Deal Structures


​Aside from our own resources, we normally use commercial finance obtained from specialist lenders who support the UK MBI marketplace to finance deals.  We also have a network of High Net Worth investors who like to participate in some of our deals.

​You should be aware that over 90% of all owner managed businesses sold in the UK include some element of deferred payment and we are no different.  It’s important to be clear at the outset so that this doesn’t come as a surprise to you!

The reasons why there is a deferred portion are:

  1. ​Our panel of funders and investors will not allow us to pay all of the value up front because of the risks associated with private businesses.

  2. A deferred portion keeps vendors honest.  We know from experience when a vendor knows he must be honest about historic and future values, your interests become aligned with us as a buyer.


​Sometimes you’ll hear the term “free cash”.  We see many deals and often business owners build up cash on the balance sheet.  We realise you want to see as much of the cash you have built up in your business is returned to you at the point of completion so that you can benefit from maximum tax relief.  We will help you achieve that so long as you don’t strip the business of any realistic working capital.  After all, you wouldn’t do that if you still owned it!

​We will then take into account the historic performance of the business over the last three to five tears and then your projections for future performance.  We will expect to match our ROI on the investment over three to four years typically.


Key Benefits of Selling to Us

We believe there are a number of important benefits from selling directly to us.

​No valuation fees.  We will give you a fair, honest and clear valuation for your business.

Time-scales to suit you.

Offers within days, completion often within 90 days (subject to receiving your information promptly).

No wasted time and money or stress working with brokers and agents who often just cause delays and confusion.

Legally binding contracts and written assurances built in for your protection.

No Broker or Agency fees.

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